024 BM 033 LM 047 JD 049

024 BM 033 LM 047 JD 049
City of Greater Geelong
Geelong Vision

COMMON was engaged as key members of the Geelong Vision 2 Project in identifying areas, strategies and opportunities, to provide a vision, momentum & investment for the next 20 years of growth of central Geelong. From developing on the foundation laid by the Geelong Vision 1, sprang a series of projects that redeveloped the waterfront and transformed the area from an industrial and maritime precinct, into a vibrant recreational and touristic waterfront.

The Vision 2 Masterplan developed a holistic future vision for Geelong that facilitates a thriving economy and a vibrant city centre with a variety of services and offers for its people. Establishing this overarching framework that addresses the economic, social, environmental and cultural issues, is central to providing a fully sustainable Geelong of 2031. The Masterplan set out the scope of the 6 catalyst projects, that individual yet collectively contribute to the revitalisation central Geelong.

Key challenges and opportunities for Geelong involved capitalizing on a global economy transitioning to a knowledge base economy, using education and health sectors as key catalysts to creating a sustainable future, and maintaining an ecologically sensitive urban environment to create a distinctive place, ultimately building on Geelong’s community spirit and amazing physical assets.

City of Greater Geelong
Committee for Geelong
Deakin University
masterplan , civic